Saturday, December 26, 2020

Finding Herzke Records in Murawana-Goslin

(c) 2020 Frederick Walton

In a previous post I mentioned the Poznan (Posen) Project, which led me to a marriage record data for August Friederich Kroll (1862) and Anna Mathilde Herzke (1868).  Most importantly it names both sets of Parents. It turns out that none of this is really new news, BUT it is a citable, "official" document that PROVES, for the first time,  this genertion of the Kroll and Herzke names (via the parents names) are accurate and correct.

Kroll Herzke in Posan
Kroll-Herzke Marriage Record from the Poznan Project

What other records did I find? In short NONE! Altough there are a large number of Kroll and Kròl.

Why? Civil Registration of Births (Geburtsregister), Marriages (Heiraten , Ehen, or Trauungen) and Deaths (Sterberegister or Totenregister) officially began on October 1, 1874 in Posen.  Reviewing the explanation of the data  in the Poznan (Posen Project) reveals that the date range of records is very limited. For the civil district of Murowana-Goslin, which includes Przependowo the date range for Birth's, Marriages and Deaths is narrow, 1874-1877 (land) or 1874-1892 (Index/City). Some civil records are split to 'City' and 'Land' records. In the former, events from the village or town locality itself were registered, while in the 'Land' records they registered people living in the surrounding area, I. E. the surrounding farmlands and rural areas.

This was somewhat confusing since I would expect to find Kroll & Herzke records under "Land" but since the date is 1887, they are within the "city" window. No Matter...I am grateful to find them at all, but deligent searching under both their family names and their given names returns no other records, so, this appears to be a dead end, primarily due to the narrow window, At least for now because new records are being added all the time.

What about finding their Parents Marriage records? Assuming their parents where married before they were born, that would mean their marriages took place prior to 1868 for the Herzkes and 1862 for the Krolls. Since German Civil registration began in Posen in 1874, these Civil records simply do not exist. It is possible they may be found in Parish records but that will be another project for another day! The Poznen Project has No records available (at this time?) for the Lutheran Parish.

What about my Great-Grandparents, Julius Kroll and Ottilie Herzke? They were wed in Blue Island, Illinois in 1893. I do have several records from this event but their parents names are not mentioned in the records I have thus far uncovered. (See the The Union of Ottilie Herzke and Julius Kroll)

more detailed information about civil records in Posen can be found here:,_German_Empire_Civil_Registration

Sunday, December 20, 2020

What's in an F-ing name?

 (c) 2020 Frederick Walton Kroll-Herzke Family researcher 

Heinrich Herzke clearly had some influence over the decision made by his sister Ottilie and her husband, Julius Kroll, to settle in Chester, New York when they returned from Germany in 1902. What that influence was remains to be discovered. Why would Julius move his large family to a place he had never been, when he had many well established siblings and in-laws in Blue Island, Illinois, a place he had previously lived before returning to Germany? We could establish many theories, but perhaps one way is to learn more about Heinrich and his wife Augusta. Or is is Auguste? Both forms, along with Gussie, have appeared in documents discovered during my research. 

Henry Herzke and his wife Augusta (Circled)
at the 50th Wedding anniversary
of his sister Ottilie and Julius Kroll in 1943

It is her last name "Fiderowitzs" that gets really confusing. All I can say for sure after several weeks of research is that it starts with "F"! Trying to find her “real” maiden name took me on a month-long tangent, Here is where my research led and what I have concluded.

Before she married Heinrich, on 29 September 1892 in Chester, New York she was know as "Auguste F-i-d-e-r-e-w-i-t-z-s" (Fiderewitzs)... at least according to the "New York Marriage index" [1]. After that she is Augusta or "Gussie" Herzke. Of course just because it’s an “official” record doesn’t make it correct. This could have been a clerks phonetic spelling or it may have been incorrectly transcribed before it made its way to the final online marriage index we can search today.

Her final resting place in Chester is marked with a gravestone that identifies her as "Augusta F.".

  So what is her F-ing name?

 After her marriage, her maiden name is rarely used. I carefully checked the several places it might still occur:

Her first child, Herman, was born in Florida, N. Y. (near Chester) in 1896 [2]. I would expect her to be listed on his birth certificate by her maiden name. I manually searched the "New York State, Birth Index, 1881-1942" and did not find an entry for Herzke, Hersky, or Herske in the period 1895-1900. Likewise I was unable to find the birth record for daughter Julia born is 1899. 

After much manual searching, I finally found both records in the “Official” records of New York State birth indexes, both misspelled and each spelled differently. If the clerks couldn’t get Herzke right, what hope is their for Fiderewitzs or whatever it actually was?

Herman J. Hedski [Herzke] was born 13 Sept 1896 in Warwick, N. Y.:

How do I know this is him? There are NO other records found anywhere for a “Herman J. Hedski” or any Hedski for that matter (i.e. his parents or siblings) so it is a valid assumption that this is really our Herman J. Herzke!

I can practically hear my grandmother pronounce “ Herzke” in the German manner, will a rolling R Hear-duh-ski) and totally understand how this could be phonetically misunderstood as something like Hedski.

Likewise, I also manually found  "Julia L Hatski" born 13 April 1899 in Chester, N. Y.

 I found NO other records anywhere for “Julia L. Hatski” or any Hatski (i.e. her parents or siblings) so it is a valid assumption and can be safety presumed that this is another phonetic misspelling of “Herzke”.

I did not obtain a copy of the actual birth certificate in either case, but we now have a certificate number if anyone wants to go through the grueling and expensive process of trying to get the actual certificate from New York State, and even then there is no guarantee we will find the maiden name we are looking for!


Another likely place a maiden name may be listed is on her children's Marriage certificate.

I couldn't find a copy of Herman's, although I did found him in the New Jersey index and identified a certificate number. [3]

I did, in fact,  find Augusta's maiden name listed in Julia's marriage record [4]. It was listed as "Freud", an "F" word, but not the one I would have expected, deepening the mystery. Did Julia not know her mothers maiden name and just pick something at random? 

section of Julia Herske's Marriage License registration showing mother maiden name is Freud


One final place to look was an obituary. I searched and NYS Historic Newspapers and found nothing, which simply means the paper containing her obit was not among the various online collections I checked . I would expect her Obit to be in a 1951 Middletown paper which was not online but may be available at a local archive if someone near Middletown cares to look. [5] Likewise, husband Henry’s 1944 obituary was not found because the entire year 1944 was not online. No Middletown papers were online for 1963 when Julia died.

I did find son Herman, who is known as John H. Harding by his death, but there is no mention of his parents. John H. Harding? Well that’s another name story still to be told, stay tuned!

So searching New York Records on-line from my office in North Carolina (while quarantined due to Covid regulations) was a total bust in finding Augusta's "real" maiden name!

 (Interestingly enough, when I searched for "Augusta Freud" I got several results, including Julia's marriage registration. Apparently there WAS an "Augusta Freud" and she was from Posen! She lived in Queens and was married to Adam Freud, but it does not take much sluething to determine that this is clearly a different person.) 


Augusta obviously immigrated to the U. S. A. under her maiden name since she was married after she arrived. However finding her immigration record is nearly impossible since we have no record of exactly when she arrived or what her name was! Both the U.S. Federal Census for 1900 and 1910 list her immigration year as 1892.

I searched immigration records for" Fiderewitzs" and found 21 "Fiderewitz" immigration records but none for Augusta or her siblings, so maybe this is not the correct spelling or perhaps the ships record is simply missing. I even searched the 65 million passenger records on the Ellis Island database using several variation and came up with no matches. [6]

Next I went back "overseas" to look for birth certificates in the online Posen (Poznan, Poland) archives, but they didn’t start recording until 1874. Another dead end! So the only name I have for her is F-i-d-e-r-e-w-i-t-z-s and I am not too confident that is correct, even though it is documentable! [7]

Other Family members sharing her maiden Name

Augusta had several siblings, so I thought I might have better luck finding how they spelled their F-ing name. I have discovered three siblings, but, again due to spelling discrepancies, there may be more to be found, although, besides spelling, there is clearing a family relationship among these three and Augusta:

1.) Bertha Herzke nee Fiedrovitz (1872-?]

2.) August William Fiedrovitz (1878-?]

3.) Emma Herzke nee Fiedrovitz (18881-1946) (Not to be confused with Emma Reich nee Herzke (1887-1951)

Since August William never changed his name due to marriage, there is a greater chance of finding him in multiple records and seeing how the spelling changed or remained consistent over his life  as a clue to the possible "correct" spelling of the family name. (Or at least the Americanized spelling.)

Although August’s records are few, they are consistent. Starting with his World War One draft registration card in 1918, in his own handwriting, he consistently spells his name F-i-e-d-r-o-v-i-t-z (Fiedrovitz).

1918 Draft regitration Card for August William Fiedrovitz

Most U. S. Federal Census records also clearly spell his name “Fiedrovitz” and so do Church records for the Blue Island Lutheran Church. The census records indicate he immigrated in 1902 or 1904, but searching the immigration database on for “Fiedrovitz”  returns ZERO records. There are a total of 77 records of similar spellings, such as Fiedrowitz, Fiderovitz, Fiderowitz, Federovitz, Federowitz, etc. Any of these may be my target misspelled, but I reviewed all 77 and none match the family we are searching for.

Section of 1920 U.S. Federal Census for August Fiedrovitz

What about sisters Bertha and Emma? Bertha immigrated between 1895 and 1899, per census records, but is married by 1910. For the reasons above, there is NO Fiedrovitz immigration record found for her. What if I could find her in the 1900 Census after she immigrated but before she was married? That may give us an important clue!

 It was during this search that I realized she was married in 1907, but her son William was born in 1899! Various sources stated he was born in Illinois or New York. Then I found his confirmation record in Blue Island Church records showing that he was born and baptized in Chester, New York in 1899! So it seems sister Bertha was possibly living near Augusta and Henry Herzke around the time of the sought after 1900 census. 

1910 U. S. Federal Census containing Bertha Fiedrovitz (Pe Drovitz) and her son William
Click to enlarge

I started with Henry’s 1900 census and guess What ???... Bertha and William  are RIGHT NEXT DOOR! At first it may not be obvious, because the name listed is Bertha “Pe Drovitz”. Searching the zillions of records in a very general search for “Pe Drovitz”comes up with exactly TWO records...Bertha and William in the 1900 census. I must therefore conclude that this is the phonetic misspelling of "Fie-Drovitz”, in fact this may be a clue to its pronunciation. I have been pronouncing it as FEE-drow-Vitz ... emphasis on the first syllable. Maybe it's pronounced Fee-DROVE-its ... emphasis on the middle syllable????

This Discovery doesn’t help find the immigrations records, however and when Bertha married Paul Herzke in 1907, her maiden name is lost, EXCEPT for the use in the Baptismal records of her daughter Paula where her name is clearly spelled as Fiedrovitz  the same as her brother August Fiedrovitz who is listed as a witness in the same record.

Blue Island Lutheran Church Register

 The handwritten church records are perhaps more reliable than state records because they are presumably written by a church clerk who knows the parishioner and is asking them for the information directly resulting (probably) in a more accurate spelling. In this case, looking at the pages and pages of tongue twisting German, Polish and Russian parishioners names, it is clear that the clerk in this German language Lutheran house of worship had more than an ordinary exposure and command of  multiple European languages. In fact, by looking at the neat flowing script, there is no hesitation in the middle of a confusing name and the same clerk’s hand appears for many years at a time, suggesting a long term familiarity with fellow parishioners.

Emma offers even more evidence along this line. Starting with her marriage record in the Blue Island Luthern Church records where her name is spelled Fiedrovitz, we find baptismal records for all eight of her children, six of which use her maiden name spelled Fiedrovitz. For the two eldest children her maiden name is listed as the very slight variation "Fiedrovitsch" and Fiedrowitz.

Marriage Record Of Emma Fiedrovitz and Wilheml Herzke in Blue Island Lutheran Church register.

Based on this evidence, I feel fairly comfortable declaring that the correct spelling of the family name (as used by them in America at least) was probably  F-i-e-d-r-o-v-i-t-z (Fiedrovitz), since this is most commonly and consistently found among trust-worthy records.

With this new level of confidence, I circled back to the Polish archives to see if I could find this family name near Murowana-Goslin. Searching "Fiedrovitz" had zero matches. I did find several members of a family name Fiedrowitz/Fiedrowicz in the period 1890-1910 but they do not seem to match our family, although more research would be needed to confirm this. The Polish Genealogy site explains that Polish Genealogy is still disorganized and in it's infancy, so it is possible more records will come to light in the future. 


In several census records the siblings identify their parents and their own birthplace as Poland (vs. Germany) and their native language as Polish. This may account for the difficulty in finding accurate records in Poland. Throughout the 18th and 19th centuries, Poland’s neighbors constantly conquered and partitioned Poland in an attempt to systematically eliminate Poland’s ethnic identity. If the Fiedrovitz’s were, in fact, ethnically Poles, they had virtually no “identity” or freedom, as compared to the Germans, like the Kroll’s or Herzke’s, who occupied this conquered land. My mother, Jeanne Packhiser Walton, who as a child remembers Aunt Augusta, told me that she recalled overhearing some of the Kroll/Herzke family gossip, at the time, that wondered how Henry could ever have gotten involved with someone like Augusta who was in an entirely different and lower social class? 


To date I have not found any immigration records for the Fiedrovitz siblings.

I found no indication that August ever married, so he never passed this name on, although his three sisters, passed on their Fiedrovitz DNA through their many children, but ALL with the surname Herzke.

A simple Google search for Fiedrovitz come up with No matches. If this is indeed  the correct spelling, it is now extinct in the 21st century.

That is an F-ing shame.


[1] New York State Department of Health; Albany, NY, USA; New York State Marriage Index;1892; Fiderewitzs

[2] World War One Draft registration card for  "Herman J. Herske" lists his birthdate as September 14, 1896 and birthplace as Florida, N. Y. (Registration State: New Jersey; Registration County: Passaic; Roll: 1754432; Draft Board: 3) 

[3] New Jersey State Archives; Trenton, New Jersey; Marriage Indexes (Available on

[4]  New York, U.S., County Marriage Records, 1847-1849, 1907-1936 [database on-line]. Lehi, UT, USA:; Original data:Marriage Records. New York Marriages. Various New York County Clerk offices.

[5] There are no Middletown newspapers for 1951 in the database for, or

[6] Searched various immigation databases on and searched the  65 million passenger records on

[7] POZNAN PROJECT, POZNAN REGION MARRIAGE INDEXING PROJECT FOR 1800-1899- and BaSIA Project, Database of vital records from Greater Poland-



Friday, May 8, 2020

Finding the Krolls (and Herzkes) in Germany

(c) 2020 Frederick Walton, Kroll/Herke Family Historian

Based on my previous Blogs, I have decided to go back to the beginning to probe our roots in Germany.

That is really the first misnomer…While the Krolls and Herke's were “German”... that is, our ancestors identified as "German" vs. Polish, Russian or Jewish, they were  technically from a little village called Przependowo, in the Kreis (county) of Obornik, in the Province  of Posen, in the Kingdom of  Preussen (Prussia) in the German Empire.  This relationship ceased after World War One and today this place (Poznan) is now located firmly in Poland! 

Where in the World did our Ancestors come from?

Ancestry gave me a one month trial of world records. I was, frustratingly, NOT finding the Kroll and Herzke records that I was hoping would fall into my lap! The problem is not that the records don’t exist, it is that the databases containing records from Posen may not be included in the Ancestry collection. For each German database I looked at, they generally did not have Posen included. 

So I started by reviewing where these records should be. The Civil registration district for Przependowo is nearby Murowana-Goslin. If those records are not in the Ancestry database (generally NOT) then no sense looking there!

I searched the internet for other record sources in Posen and stumbled across

POZNAN PROJECT - Marriage indexing for the 19th century within the former Prussian province of Posen, now Poznań, Poland, and neighboring districts.

My Great-Grandparents were married in Blue Island, illinois, so no marriage record would be found in Posen. However Julius Kroll's brother Freidrich, married Ottilie Herzke's (Julius’ wife) sister, Anna, in Germany, so maybe I could find that record.

I searched on their names and found a 100% match! Unfortunately it doesn’t provide the exact date, but it does provide the year,1887. 
More importantly it provides the parents names. I know this is really not new news, but it is, finally, a documentable citation from a valid period civil record where every name and date lines up to PROVE that these are the CORRECT and valid parents names. 

In my previous research, I have never found a record with a valid citation (or ANY citation for that matter) of WHERE the names came from, although they can be found on perhaps a dozen public family trees on Ancestry and elsewhere. I am sure that when somebody originally put this “out there” and was somehow confident in the information, everyone else copied it to their trees, but somewhere the citation was lost or never provided, so this information is “technically” questionable…but no longer!

There is also a link (original Record link) to the Polish Archives in Poznan (Poland) where this original record is housed. You could get a copy of the original Marriage record if you can figure out how to request it…in Polish!

I will continue searching through this database to see what other information I can retrieve. But right now I have to go take some polish sausage out of the freezer, I have a sudden unexplainable urge for Kielbasa for supper tonight!

Wednesday, April 29, 2020

The Kroll Family at Elm Cote

(c) 2020 by Kroll Family Historian Frederick Walton

The Kroll Family Home- Elm Cote

In the previous post we explored the name of the house. Now that we know what to call it, let’s investigate the family that lived and farmed there for nearly half a century.

detail of 1930s Orange county map labels W. R. Conklin as owner of Elm Cote House

A 1930s Road & Property Ownership Map of Orange County New York omits the name “Elm Cote” but, like the 1903 map, reflects ownership of a house at that location  by W. R. Conklin.  Although there is no question that this is the location of the house lived in by the Kroll family, it would seem to contradict the post card in my Grandmothers handwriting that states:

 “Elm Cote in Chester was Owned by Grandpa Kroll”. 

To unravel this mystery I looked at newspapers, immigration lists and census records for clues as to when the Krolls arrived at Elm Cote and did they actually own it? [1]

undated Post Card in my Grandmothers handwriting stating that her father owned Elm Cote

On September 24, 1943 The Middletown Times Herald Newspaper published an article entitled “Krolls of Chester mark  50th Wedding Anniversary” in which are described their origins in Chester, presumably based on their own recollections to the reporter [2]:
Brief periods of unemployment as a railroad fireman, steelworker and Carpenter convinced Julius Kroll who emigrated to America from Germany in 1890 that in order to provide for his large and growing family there was but one answer–take to the soil and become a farmer.

So it happened that in 1902 the Kroll family came to this community [Chester,  N. Y.] and settled as farmers. They were successful. They raise their crops and their children. Eleven of them.”
Part of 1943 newspaper Clipping

Julius and his growing family returned from an extended “visit” to his birth country, Germany [3],  on April 17, 1902. The “Passenger and Crew Lists of Vessels Arriving at New York” [4] shows the Kroll family's destination to be Chester, N. Y. Julius brother-in-law, Heinrich (Henry) Herzke, was living in Chester, earning a living as a “Farm Laborer” and is listed as the person in the passenger list column entitled “(16) wether going to join a relative, and if so, what relative, their name and address”.

Julius arrived with his wife,  seven young children, and $100 (roughly $3,000 in 2020 dollars) to re-start his American dream.. The youngest daughter, Margaret, was less than a year old and the oldest daughter, Anna, barely seven.

One has only to look at a map of Germany to see the arduous journey it must have been for two young parents to manage seven very young  children and all their worldly belongings traveling  400  miles across Germany just to reach the ship in Hamburg, not to mention a long ocean voyage to America. [5]

1910 Railway map of northern Germany showing rail routes from Posen to Hamburg
According to the Hamburg Passenger Lists for this voyage, Julius and his family sailed from Hamburg aboard the S.S. Pennsylvania on April 5, 1902. [6]

S.S. Pennsylvania [7]

He listed their previous residence (Bisheriger Wohnort) as [Murowana-]Goslin  in the State or Province (Im Staate resp. in der Provinz) of Prussia. Today this town is within Polish borders. Murowana Goślina lies about 12 mi north of the major city of Poznań (Posen) for which this region is named. Berlin, Germany lies about 190 miles due west and Warsaw, Poland is about 200 miles due East. [8]

Portion of Map of Posen, showing location of Murowana-Goslin

Like the majority of the ship’s passengers, the Kroll family had third class accommodations (Zwischendeck) often known as “steerage”. This was the least expensive way to travel, and for a large family, perhaps the only way. It would have cost the family hundreds of dollars more to move up to second class accommodations, money they probably couldn’t spare. There was nothing luxurious or comfortable about traveling this way.  [9]

Why did they Come to America?

Although there no one is left to ask, I can’t imagine any family would suddenly uproot themselves from their established home of many years and make a dramatic move without some prior planning. Not to a new city and certainly not to a new country, especially when your family consists of seven children all under the age of seven and the youngest a babe in arms.

I can find nothing of signifigance that would prompt a family to leave Germany in 1902, No major political pressure, no depression or economic upheavals, in fact this is really a period of low immigration from Germany. When you look at their station in life, they are free laborers in a serf/peasant economy. They had the freedom to leave, but not the security of work opportunities or property ownership, even though their freedom was only slightly above slave labor. Their chances of owning their own farm were probably beyond their ability. So America offered them and their children the chance to prosper and possibly to someday own a farm of their own.

The 1943 newspaper interview describes their decision, presumably in their own words:
 “In 1902 they decided to return to America, which had already become the husband’s adapted home through naturalization, to take up farming.”

Why return to America? In his own words “to become a farmer” and provide for his family. Couldn’t he do this in his native Germany? Probably not.

I suspect that, through letters, the Kroll’s had made their intentions known to relatives in America that they were ready to return. Whatever their reason, they must have been willing to take a huge risk to start a  better life in America. I have not found any specific cause to compel them to leave, but we know they had a  specific place to come to… Chester, New York in 1902.

Why Chester, New York? 

Julius had a brother and sister in Illinois. Ottilie had a brother in Illinois too. Why not return to the place they formerly lived and worked and attended church and had relatives and were married and started their own family? These are all good reasons to pick a place to live.

What was it that tipped the scales to make them choose Chester over the more familiar Blue Island, Illinois?

If you turn the page on the “Passenger and Crew Lists of Vessels Arriving at New York” to one beyond the page listing the Kroll family (list 15), we find, that in addition to the Krolls, The S. S. Pennsylvania carried (list 16) Ottillie’s Mother, 2 brothers and 2 sisters... on the exact same ship! [10] However,  their final destination was NOT Chester, it was Blue Island, Illinois! They all knew their final destination BEFORE they left Germany. So again, what was it that tipped the scales to make Julius Kroll choose Chester over the more familiar Blue Island, Illinois?

This can be interpreted that Ottilie’s brother Heinrich, already living in Chester, probably helped them make arrangements to lease a farm. I can’t find sufficient documentation to show it was the Pine Hills farm in Chester or that their new home was initially Elm Cote. However It would be impractical and a huge imposition for a large family to expect to just “drop in” on a relative for an extended visit. Furthermore, what are the chances they would find accommodations for a large family, and an anticipated agricultural opportunity for Julius in a small rural village in the middle of nowhere, New York? It would be more likely that the details were worked out ahead of time and their accommodations waiting for their arrival.

A 1938 Newspaper article [11] describing a surprise 45th Anniversary party at their home reported that

“...they have lived in Chester for the last Thirty Six Years” 
This calculates to 1902.

The 1943 Golden Anniversary article say they came to Chester in 1902.

 Chester…1902…very consistent! So they either lived someplace else in Chester when they first arrived or they simply moved into “Elm Cote” in 1902 by a pre-arranged agreement. Unfortunately, with no one to ask and little documentation, this minor detail may remain a mystery.

Living in Chester, New York

Reviewing census returns is one of the few ways to find documentation about a families composition and whereabouts at a given time. This is especially true for rural areas where city directories and other types of listings simply don’t exist.

Unfortunately, the 1905 New York State Census for Orange county is missing so there is no official census document available to identify the Kroll family or their residence between their arrival in 1902 and 1910.

There is a small clue in the 1904 NYS Birth index for my Grandmother, Lydia Kroll. Her birthplace is listed as Chester...which we sort of already know, but this again adds to the consistency.

Early Postcard view of Elm Cote, the Kroll Family Farm house.
The 1910 Federal Census [12] lists the Krolls in the township of Blooming Grove near Craigsville on the “State road to Chester”. Julius is a 45 year old farm hand, living in a house, that he rents, with his wife and ten children. His next door neighbor is 51year old William Roe Conklin, who owns a farm and lists himself as an employer. We know from the 1903 map, that he owns Elm Cote too. Family oral history from my Mother identifies the Conklin’s, specifically Bill Conklin, as the Kroll’s neighboring farm. The next farm listed in the census is the the Roe Farm.

 Keep this in mind- Chester…Kroll, Conklin, Roe… Craigsville. When you look at the map after leaving Chester you first come to the Kroll farm, then the Conklin farm next door then the Roe orchard next to the Conklin Farm before arriving at Craigsville. This order was described to me by my Mother, and is consistent on all census records from 1910 to 1940, the last census currently available.

Location of neighboring farms consistant on all censuses from 1910 to 1940

In 1910 Julius kroll is NOT the owner of the house he lives in. He declares himself a renter, and is not required to complete a separate farm schedule, which would be required if he had his own farm. What this implies, to me, is that Julius may be renting his families home and working for the owner, William Roe Conklin, as listed on the 1903 map. As a farm hand for Conklin, he may have been learning the trade of farming in America as sort of an apprentice.

The following table summarizes the available Census information pertaining to the ownership of the property where the Krolls reside. Reviewing it, a pattern starts to emerge that tells me the story of an immigrant building up his skills and limited finances until he can finally achieve the American dream to own his own farm.

Census summary of ownership of Kroll Farm compiled by Rick Walton

The 1915 New York State Census [13] shows 50 year old Julius Kroll listed as a Farm Laborer and a “wage earner” (vs. an employer or working on his “own account”). His next door neighbor is still William R. Conklin (56) a Farmer who owns his own farm. I’m guessing Julius may work for him. As a wage earner, he is working for somebody.

The 1920 Federal Census [14] lists the  now 55 year old Julius as a dairy farmer who is  still renting his home. He is still a wage earner, but has submitted a separate farm schedule from his neighbor. Maybe this indicates he is straddling both worlds, still earning a wage working for another farmer, but starting his own dairy farm, perhaps on a small scale.

His next door neighbor is still 61 year old William Roe Conklin, who owns his  own farm and lists himself as self employed. He submitted his own separate farm schedule.

The 1925 Census [15] lists Julius as a farmer (vs. a farm worker) and specifies his wages come from working on his “ own account”. Perhaps this is just semantics or maybe we can interpret this to mean that Julius has “completed” his apprenticeship, owns his own dairy herd  and is leasing the farm now.

The 1930 Federal Census [16] lists the 65 year old Julius as a dairy farmer who is renting his home (monthly rental $25.00) and lists himself as “working on his own account”. He also completed a separate farm schedule which would provide specific information about the type and value of his farm. This would be a fantastic resource, but unfortunately these records have been destroyed. To me this is a pretty clear indication that Julius, while perhaps still leasing the property, is an established farmer in his own right.

 His next door neighbor is still 71year old William Roe Conklin, who owns his home but answers No to the question Farm and None to occupation. He has filed no farm schedule.  According to his obituary, Conklin purchased and ran the Grange feed store, which he ran until his death. He died in 1933 and is buried in the nearby Greycourt Cemetery.

His obituary stated: "Mr. Conklin manifested a keen interest in the young people of the community" [17]
Could this have included a young German immigrant searching for his American dream?

The 1940 Federal Census [18]  lists the 75 year old Julius as a farmer who owns his farm and his home. The value of his home is $12,000. (Note: The median price of a house in N. Y. in 1940 was $4,389 , so perhaps this is the value of all his real estate on his farm? [19]) He has again filed a farm schedule which is unavailable. He lived in the same house in 1935. It is not clear when he bought the farm, but Family oral history is that an agreement was made upon the purchase that it would be sold back to the Conklins when Julius either retired or passed away. Could William Roe Conklin's death in 1933 been the event that spurred the Conklin Family to sell the farm?

His next door neighbor is William R. Conklin, 43. This is the son of the deceased William Roe Conklin. He lists himself as the proprietor of a Feed and farm supply business. He has not submitted a farm schedule, so although he is living on the family farm, he is not farming it himself. The 1940 census asks “Does this household live on a farm? Yes or No”. He answers “Yes” which may indicate he is leasing the farmland to be worked by someone else. He owns the house and places the value at $4.00. It is also interesting to note that their household includes a live in maid, something neither his father nor his neighbors had.

Contemporary view of Conklin Farm house from Google maps

The family listed as living between Julius and Conklin is Conrad Kroll, his wife and 5 children. This is Julius and Ottilie’s youngest son.They rent the home ($8 per month) and he lists his occupation as a farmer, but has not submitted a separate farm schedule, suggesting he works for someone else. We know from several sources that  he helped his father on the farm during this time period and lived in a house behind Elm Cote and in between the Kroll and Conklin farm.

Contemporary view of Elm Cote from Google Maps. Conrad Kroll's house is peaking out from the trees behind Elm Cote. The Conklin house is to the right out of this view.

Julius is still hard at work in late September of 1943 when he celebrated his 50th Wedding Anniversary with his family surrounding him in the large Ball room of Elm Cote. The newspaper article describing the event mentions his daily occupation [20]:

“Mr. Kroll is still an active farmer [age 78]. Daily, morning and night, he joins his son, Conrad, in the barns to do his bit of the milking and during the day assumes those tasks that his strength will allow.”

A little over six months later his strength finally gave out. He collapsed with a stroke, from which he never recovered.

Julius and Ottilie surrounded by family on their 50th weddding anniversary
in their homes large "Ballroom" (Colorized by MyHeritage)

Click here for the story behind this photo

My mother recalled the day it happened,

My Father {Erwin Packhiser] had just gotten home from a day of fishing. He came in the house with a string of freshly caught fish only to learn that his father-in-law had just suffered a stroke. The family was bundled into the car, fish and all, for the long drive out to the Kroll Farm. 
Sportsman Erwin Packhiser with a fresh catch of fish Circa 1943 (colorized by MyHeritage)


Grandpa Kroll was never himself after that and died about six weeks later, but that night I remember Grandma Kroll sitting in the kitchen slowly eating a cooked fish dinner and staring off into space in a daze.”

Shortly after his Stroke occurred, daughter Johanna, a nurse, arrived to take charge. Julius was placed in a hospital bed that was set up in the first floor ball room, the site of their anniversary celebration half a year earlier.  Mom recalled visiting as a child, and having to tip-toe around to make sure Grandpa wasn’t disturbed, but he never recovered.

Julius died at Elm Cote on May 28, 1944.  So...My grandmothers post card was, in fact, correct.

“Elm Cote in Chester was Owned by Grandpa Kroll”.

Post Script

After the death of Julius, The farm was sold back to the Conklin family who still own it today.

On Saturday, March 31, 1945 an auction was held to sell off the farm equipment [21]. Ottilie moved into a house across the street from her daughter Lydia. The house was in the name of herself and her three single daughters, Johanna, Margaret and Elsie.

Julius is buried in the Wallkill Rural Cemetery alongside him are his wife and several children.


1- 1930 Road & Property Ownership Map of Orange County New York in collection of Chester historical Society, Chester, New York. Accessed online 04/2020 New York Heritage digital collections-

2- Middletown Time Herald, September 24, 1943 “Krolls of Chester Celebrate 50th Wedding Anniversary”; Copy in authors collection.

3- His homeland was actually Przependowo, a Gut (Estate) near the city of Murowana-Goslin in the province of Posen in the kingdom of  Prussia, considered  part of the German empire  by her German citizens.

4- Passenger and Crew Lists of Vessels Arriving at New York, New York, 1897-1957. Microfilm Publication T715, 8892 rolls. NAI: 300346. Records of the Immigration and Naturalization Service; National Archives at Washington, D.C.; Year: 1902; Arrival: New York, New York; Microfilm Serial: T715, 1897-1957; Microfilm Roll: Roll 0268; Line: 18; Page Number: 39

5- Source: "Northern Germany as far as the Bavarian and Austrian Frontiers; Handbook for Travellers" by Karl Baedeker. Fifteenth Revised Edition. Leipzig, Karl Baedeker; New York, Charles Scribner's Sons 1910 accessed 4/2020 at

6- Hamburg Passenger Lists, 1850-1934; Staatsarchiv Hamburg; Volume: 373-7 I, VIII A 1 Band 130; Seite: 774

7-photo of S. S. Pennsylvania from

8- Map and description of Posen from Meyers Gazeteer-the most important of all German gazetteers. The goal of the Meyer’s compilers was to list every place name in the German Empire (1871-1918).; additional mileage estimates from Google maps.

9- The S. S. Pennsylvania had accommodations for 162-1st, 197-2nd and 2,382-3rd class passengers.

10- Passenger and Crew Lists of Vessels Arriving at New York, New York, 1897-1957. Microfilm Publication T715, 8892 rolls. NAI: 300346. Records of the Immigration and Naturalization Service; National Archives at Washington, D.C.;Year: 1902; Arrival: New York, New York; Microfilm Serial: T715, 1897-1957; Microfilm Roll: Roll 0268; Line: 6; Page Number: 38

11- Middletown Time Herald, September 24, 1938, Page 6, “Krolls Celebrate 45th Anniversary”.

12- 1910 United States Federal Census Census; Place: Blooming Grove, Orange, New York; Roll: T624_1059; Page: 2B; Enumeration District: 0002; FHL microfilm: 1375072

13- New York, State Census, 1915; New York State Archives; Albany, New York; State Population Census Schedules, 1915; Election District: 02; Assembly District: 01; City: Washingtonville; County: Orange; Page: 06

14- 1920 United States Federal Census; Census Place: Blooming Grove, Orange, New York; Roll: T625_1251; Page: 4B; Enumeration District: 87; Image: 575

15- New York, State Census, 1925; New York State Archives; Albany, New York; State Population Census Schedules, 1925; Election District: 02; Assembly District: 01; City: Blooming Grove; County: Orange; Page: 3

16 1930 United States Federal Census; Census Place: Blooming Grove, Orange, New York; Roll: 1632; Page: 10B; Enumeration District: 0002; Image: 36.0; FHL microfilm: 2341366

17  Conklin Obituary; Middletown Times Herald; MIDDLETOWN, NEW YORK; Monday, December 18, 1933; page 6.; grave memorial photo source:

18- 1940 United States Federal Census; Census Place: Blooming Grove, Orange, New York; Roll: m-t0627-02708; Page: 14A; Enumeration District: 36-2

19- Historical Census of Housing Tables; Home Values 1940;

20- Middletown Time Herald, September 24, 1943 “Krolls of Chester Celebrate 50th Wedding Anniversary”; Copy in authors collection.

21- Middletown Time Herald, 1March 28 & 29., 1945; Classified section- Auction of Kroll Farm

Monday, April 13, 2020

What’s in a name? Elm Cote or Pine Hill?

(c) 2020 by Kroll Family Historian Frederick Walton

My Great-Grandparents, German immigrants named Ottilie and Julius Kroll, owned a farm with a large house on a rural road[1] between Chester and Blooming Grove. With eleven children, a large house was necessary.

This was the house my grandmother, Lydia, grew up in. She told us stories and showed me pictures of her childhood home. This is the house my Mother visited throughout her childhood, creating her own stories and memories. This was a house that was less than 10 miles from my childhood home, yet, sadly, I never visited and have virtually NO memories of it.

The Kroll family farmhouse in Chester, New York where my Grandmother grew up, from a photo in her collection

 Recently, while analyzing some old photographs, I  came across some conflicting information. Some of the older photos are labeled “Elm Cote” while others are labeled “Pine Hill”.

Which name is correct, I wondered?

Former Kroll farmhouse Circa 1999 (photo by Bob Terry) 

A contemporary view of a very dilapidated, overgrown  house, taken by Bob Terry probably 20 years ago and shared with me, shows a blue and yellow New York State Historic Marker at the edge of the driveway.

New York State Historic Sign dedicated in 1992

According to this marker, the historic name is ”Pine Hill Farm”.  But what exactly is being named?

The inscription reads:
Pine Hill Farm

Hector St. John De Crevecoeur, 

Settled here 1769 and here wrote 
"Letters From an American Farmer”
 (London 1782)”
Michel-Guillaume Jean de Crevecoeur was a young French soldier and mapmaker who came from Canada after the French Seven years war. He traveled widely, but had his heart set on settling down and becoming a farmer. In 1769, already a naturalized citizen of the province of New York who had anglicized his name to “Hector St. John”, he bought 120 acres of rich farm land near the already historic Grey Court Inn and christened it Pine Hill Farm.

Hector St. John- Michel-Guillaume Jean de Crevecoeur
creator of "Pine Hill Farm"

He first built a cabin, then a house, got married, to the daughter of a successful N. Y. Merchant, and had three children. He became an industrious and enthusiastic agronomist lovingly transforming his property into a productive farm.  A well educated man, he was sought out by friends and neighbors for both his agricultural knowledge as well as the culture his presence lent to any affair.

Being an astute observer of his surroundings he began recording his observations, which would later be published in England.

As the winds of war flared up the valleys of Orange county, Hector St. John took little interest, and as he was not an active participant, his neighbors looked at him as a traitor. He was banished from his home by neighbors who thought him a Loyalist and then Jailed by the British in New York, thinking him a rebel spy. Reduced to poverty, he returned to his native France. In his absence, his farm was destroyed, his wife died and his children were scattered.

in 1781 he published a series of essays under the title of "Letters From an American Farmer” which became a success and were widely read throughout Europe. De Crevecoeur is also credited with introducing alfalfa, lima beans and other innovations to American agriculture on his Pine Hill farm.

He returned to N. Y. as a French Consul, but sold his Orange county property and went home to France in 1790, never to return to America. [2]

Longer biographies may be found on the web, but they agree that while De Crevecoeur was exiled from his Orange county farm in the 1780’s, Indians raided and burned down Pine Hill leaving his wife dead and his children under the care of neighbors. [3]

I therefore interpret this to mean that the Kroll Farm house was NOT the house occupied by Hector St. John De Crevecoeur and his family.  (Which one might assume from the historic sign in front of the existing house.) The Pine Hill Farm more properly denotes the 120 acre property De Crevecoeur bought, transformed to a idyllic rural farm  and raised his family on in the 1770’s before the Revolution uprooted him.

My Mother recalled that when she was a child there used to be a historical marker that said “Site of Indian Massacre”. The dirt floor basement, used as a summer kitchen had uneven mounds and she was told that it was because that is where they buried the Indians. This story was probably meant to scare the children and keep them out of the basement. Whenever I heard this story though, I always thought that it would do just the opposite for me and my brothers. We would have been in there with shovels to see what treasures we could find! [4]

In fact, based on the historical information I reviewed, if this was the site of an Indian massacre, it wasn’t Indians who were massacred, so there are probably no bodies buried in the basement, at least not Indians.

Elm Cote

Early Post Card of Elm Cote in Chester, New York where my Grandmother grew up, from her collection

Both my Mother, Jeanne Walton, and her sister, Dee Terry, recall their mother, Lydia Kroll Packhiser always calling her parents farm “Elm Cote”. A recently discovered, undated postcard featuring Elm Cote, in her handwriting says:
“Elm Cote in Chester [Orange county, N. Y.] was Owned by Grandpa Kroll [her father] where we grew up. An old historical residence.

Lydia Kroll Packhiser”
Back of above Elm Cote Postcard with description in her handwriting

A “Cote” is an early British term for a small cottage or small shelter for sheep or birds. Neither of these describes the massive house that goes by that name. Perhaps this name  dates back to the earliest colonial inhabitants of the property.

The home was surrounded by stately Elm trees as seen in the early photographs. Although missing from contemporary views, these long gone Elms clearly are responsible, in part, for the home’s Moniker.

A different Post Card view of Elm Cote from a Postcard in the collection of the Chester Historical Society.

Family oral history would indicate this house had colonial origins, certainly predating its early 20th century occupation by the Kroll family. In fact, current real estate and tax records indicate the house was built in 1800. [5]

I though I might discover some additional information from early maps.
Section of 1779 Map of Orange county from thre Library of Congress

The earliest map I found, dated 1779, mentions neither Pine Grove Farm,  Elm Cote or any family place name, but it does show some houses on the road between Chester and Blooming Grove in about the location of the Kroll Farm. Known as “the Kings Road” this was  a well traveled route during the colonial period. [6]

The Greycourt Inn was a welcome stopping point for travelers on this road and was located barely 300 yards from Pine Hill. Also known as the Cromline House, after the builder Daniel Cromline, the Greycourt Inn was the main public building between New Windsor and New Jersey prior to 1765 when the Yelverton Inn was opened in Chester. Today the name Greycourt describes this entire region on modern maps. [7]

I found 6 other maps from various source dating between 1829 and 1930. Most had an indication of a house in the approximate location of the Kroll farm, some had property owners names attached, but one stood out. In 1903 The house, owned by William Roe Conklin, was labeled “Elm Cote”. [8]

Section of 1903 Atlas showing house labled "Elm Cote"

That would lead me to believe Elm Cote may be the more correct house name, for the current buildinh, but Pine Hill Farm may still be a reliable designation to signify the overall property at this location.

While descendants of the Kroll family may prefer “Elm Cote”, today the property is owned by the Conklin Family who run a Farm Market called Pine Hill Farm. [9]

Whats in a Name? Elm Cote or Pine Hill Farm? It turns out both are correct, depending on when and what you are referring to.


1 Currently New York State route 94 between Chester and Craigsville.

2 1992 Pine Hill Farm marker dedication brochure, Chester Historical Society & Historical Marker Database- (Note: No Marker found for “Elm Cote” “indian Massacre” or “ Richcreek Farm”

3 Indian Raid mentioned in his Biography: j_de_crevecoeur.htm (“The Sun is but a Morning Star”) I was unable to find any other sources mentioning and Indian Raid. Considering the Actions Taken by Patriots in Boston, during the Boston Teas PArty, The “Indians” may well have been disguised neighbors.

4 To date I have been unable to find any “Indian Massacre” markers or mentions in local newspapers.

5 Municipality of Blooming Grove Tax records for tax ID 43-1-21.1 SWIS Record 332089 (The former Kroll house as indicated by Location and included contempory photos of the house) reviewed April 2020 at: swis=332089&printkey=04300000010211000000

6 Library of Congress, 1779 Map of Orange and Rockland counties area of New York; https://

7 Celebrated Taverns of Historic Interest, Orange County, New York. NY Genealogy; https://

8 reviewed maps of orange county from 1829, 1851, 1875, 1897, 1902, 1930 focusing on the road between Chester and Craigsville where the Kroll Farm was located.

9 The current address is 3298 Rte 94, Chester, N. Y. 10918; The current parcel number is 43-1-21.1 in Blooming Grove; Tax Information: propdetail.aspx?swis=332089&printkey=04300000010211000000

Map information may be found at:
old maps online-
New York Public Library Maps-