Monday, January 14, 2013

Welcome to my new Blog:

The Packhisers in America

The Packheiser's were Germans living in East Prussia who immigrated to America at the turn of the twentieth century. Now, a century later, I wonder why they came here. I wonder where they came from. The world they lived up in is long gone. Their homeland has been behind the "Iron Curtain" for most of my life. The drab black and white images re-enforce the monotone world  that we have been led to believe exists in that part of the world. But looking into the photos a little further, you see the fine clothing and jewelry. Their hair is cut or dressed neatly. This may be their "Sunday best" but they do not seem impoverished or downtrodden. In fact their world was Probably not much different than ours in many ways. The sky was blue, the tree's were green and, nearby, the tall grain in someone’s farm fields probably blew gently in the wind.

This Blog is to gather and share information regarding the Packheiser/Packhiser family. They were my great-grandparents. I never met them, but I know them, a little, through family stories and photographs.  They intermarried with the Herzke, Kroll, Mealwitz and other families which widens my scope. In the search for my roots, I am also discovering new cousins, and hope this will help me discover even more. I dedicate this blog as a forum for sharing information about our mutual ancestors and a place to preserve their memories for future generations.

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